Ole Torffvit
e-mail: oletorffvit@oletorffvit.se
1. Torffvit O, Wieslander J, Cederholm B, Forsberg L, Hederström E, Agardh C-D. Carboxyterminal domain (NC1) of collagen IV in urine in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Nordiska Njurdagar, Åbo-Turku, Finland 31/8-2/9 1989.
2. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D, Kjellsson B, Wieslander J. Tamm-Horsfall protein in type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), Köpenhamn, Danmark 10-13/9 1990.
3. Torffvit O, Agardh E, Agardh C-D. Albuminuri och medicinska riskfaktorer. En tvärsnittsstudie av 476 patienter med typ 1 diabetes. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 1990.
4. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Increased blood pressure and heart rate, but normal day and night variation in diabetic patients with nephropathy and autonomic neuropathy. 14th International Diabetes Federation Congres (IDF), Washington, USA 23-28/6 1991.
5. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Dygnsvariationen i blodtrycket är förändrad hos typ 1 diabetiker med nefropati och autonom neuropati. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 27/11-1991.
6. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Albuminuri som prediktor för utveckling av kardiovaskulär sjuklighet och död hos typ 1 diabetiker. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 27/11-1991.
7. Rasch R, Torffvit O, Bachman S, Jensen PK, Jacobsen NO. Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein in experimental diabetes. European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), Prague, Czechoslovakia, 8-11/9 1992.
8. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D, Thulin T. Glomerulär och tubulär påverkan vid diabetes mellitus. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 25/11-1992.
9. Lindqvist A, Svensson J, Torffvit O, Pahlm O, Webber CL. Recurrence plot analysis of heart beat intervals in autonomic failure of diabtes: Increased deterministic structure. Internal Union of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland, 1-6/8 1993.
10. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Urinary excretion rates of NC1 and Tamm-Horsfall protein in the microalbuminuric type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patient. European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), Istanbul, Turkiet, 6-9/9 1993.
11. Agardh E, Agardh C-D, Torffvit O. Retinopati vid typ 1 diabetes. Fem års incidens och riskfaktorer. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 1/12-1993.
12. Agardh C-D, Agardh E, Koul S, Torffvit O. Retinopati vid åldersdiabetes. Fyra-års incidens och riskfaktorer. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 1/12-1993.
13. Torffvit O, Agardh E, Agardh C-D. The predictive value for cardiovascular disease and retinopathy. A 5-year follow-up study of 451 patients with type II diabetes mellitus. 15th International Diabetes Federation Congres (IDF), Kobe, Japan 6-11/11 1994.
14. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Inverkan av metabolisk kontroll och blodtryck på utvecklingen av hjärt-kärl- och njursjukdom vid typ 1 diabetes. En 5 års uppföljning. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 30/11-2/12-1994.
15.Torffvit O, Apelqvist J, Agardh C-D. The effect of the non-ionic contrast medium iohexol on glomerular and tubular function in diabetic patients. European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), Stockholm, 12-16/9 1995.
16. Torffvit O, Lindqvist A, Pahlm O, Agardh C-D. Kardiovaskulär autonom neuropati och njursjukdom hos typ 1 diabetiker. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 29/11-1995.
17. Torffvit O. Urin glykosaminoglykaner, kollagen IV och Tamm-Horsfall protein hos typ 1 diabetiker. Svenska Diabetolog Föreningens vårmöte, Lund 16-17/4-1996.
18. Thulesen J, Jørgensen PE, Torffvit O, Nexø E, Poulsen SS. Urinary excretion of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) in rats with altered kidney function. 11th International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides, Copenhagen, Sept 3-7, 1996.
19. Torffvit O. Urinary glycosaminoglycans, Collagen IV and Tamm-Horsfall protein in type 1 diabetic patients. Am Soc Nephrol (ASN), 29th annual meeting, New Orleans, nov 3-6, 1996.
20. Catalano C, Quinones A, Muscelli E, Natali A, Masoni A, Torffvit O, Jørgensen P, Seghieri G, Ferrannini E. Effect of insulin on systemic and renal permeability to albumin in nondiabetic and NIDDM subjects. The American Diabetes Association (ADA), 56th annual meeting, San Francisco,June 8-11 1996.
21. Tencer J, Torffvit O, Björnsson S, Thysell H, Grubb A, Rippe B. Decreased excretion of glycosaminoglycans in patients with primary glomerular diseases. Conference of the Nordic Society of Nephrology. "Nordiska Njurdagar", Lund, May 11-14, 1997.
22. Tencer J, Torffvit O, Björnsson S, Thysell H, Grubb A, Rippe B. Decreased excretion of urine glycosaminoglycans as marker in renal amyloidosis. Conference of the Nordic Society of Nephrology. "Nordiska Njurdagar", Lund, May 11-14, 1997.
23. Torffvit O, Kamper A-L, Strandgaard S. Tamm-Horsfall protein in kidney donors and recipients. Conference of the Nordic Society of Nephrology. "Nordiska Njurdagar". Lund, May 11-14, 1997.
24. Agardh C-D, Agardh E, Torffvit O. The association between long-term metabolic control and nephropathy, and to cardiovascular disease in IDDM: a 5-year follow-up study of 442 adult patients in routine care. The American Diabetes Association (ADA), 57th annual meeting Boston, Massachusetts, June 21-24, 1997.
25. Agardh E, Agardh C-D, Torffvit O. The association between retinopathy, and long term metabolic control in IDDM: a 5-year follow-up study of 442 adult patients in routine care. The American Diabetes Association (ADA),57th annual meeting Boston, Massachusetts, June 21-24, 1997.
26. Torffvit O. Koncentrationen av glykosaminoglykaner är associerad med IgG4 i urin hos typ 1 diabetiker. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 26/11-1997.
27. Torffvit O. S-urea hos typ 2 diabetiker med hjärt- och njursvikt. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg 24/11-1998.
28. Agardh C-D, Torffvit O. The association between blood pressure and diabetic complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus. The American Diabetes Association, (ADA) 59th annual meeting San Diego, California, June 19-22, 1999.
29. Agardh C-D, Torffvit O. Coronary revascularisation in a 10 year study of 385 type 2 diabetic patients. The European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), 35th annual meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 28 september– 2 october, 1999.
30. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Incidensen av njursjukdom vid typ 2 diabetes. En prospektiv studie av 385 patienter under 10 år. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 30/11-1999.
31. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Övervikt vid typ 2 diabetes är inte relaterad till ökad sjuklighet eller dödlighet. MediconValleyAcademy. Sund, sundare, Öresund, Malmö 26-27/1-2000.
32. Agardh C-D, Stenram U, Torffvit O, Israelsson B, Thuesen B, Agardh E. Oxidative stress does not seem to be involved in the development of diabetic nephropathy in rats. The European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), 36th annual meeting, Jerusalem, Israel, 17 - 21 September, 2000
33. Torffvit O, Agard C-D. Blood pressure cut-off levels for major diabetic complications in a 10 year observation study of 468 type 1 and 385 type 2 diabetic patients. 17th International Diabetes Federation Congres (IDF) Mexico, 5-10 November, 2000.
34. Tapia J, Tencer J, Alm P, Willner J, Torffvit O. Albuminuria, HbA1c and LDL levels are associated with histopathological renal changes in type 2 diabetic patients with micro-macroalbuminuria. 17th International Diabetes Federation Congres (IDF) Mexico, 5-10 November, 2000.
35. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Behandling med ACE-hämmare vid typ 2 diabetes minskar risken för hjärtinfarkt. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg 29/11-2000.
36. Torffvit O, Tapia J, Tencer J, Rippe B, Willner J, Nyberg G, østerby R. Renal structure in type 2 diabetic patients with albuminuria. The European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), 37th annual meeting, Glasgow, UK, 9 - 13 September, 2001.
37. Torffvit O, Tapia J, Tencer J, Rippe B. Night blood pressure: Relation to renal structural lesions and function in type 2 diabetic patients with micro-macroalbuminuria. Am Soc Nephrol/International Society of Nephrology, ASN/ISN World Congress, San Francisco, 13-17 October, 2001.
38. Torffvit O, Tencer J, Tapia J, Berg A-L. Preliminära data från en diabetesnjurmottagning. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 28/11-2001.
39. Torffvit O, Tencer J, Tapia J, Berg A-L. Tyst hjärtsjukdom hos typ 2 diabetiker med mikro-makroalbuminuri. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg 27/11-2002.
40. Svensson M, Arnqvist H, Björk E, Blohmé G, Bolinder J, Eriksson JW, Henriksson M, Sundkvist G, Torffvit O, Östman J. Diabetesnefropati kan uppstå tidigt trots modern diabetesbehandling. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg 27/11-2002.
41. Rippe B, Torffvit O, Rippe A, Tenstad O. Early changes in glomerular charge selectivity in streptozotocin diabetic rats. ISN World Congress, Berlin, 8-12 june, 2003.
42. Bakoush O, Tencer J, Torffvit O, Skogvall I, Rippe B. Characterization of increased glomerular albumin permeability in old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). ISN World Congress, Berlin, 8-12 june, 2003.
43.Torffvit O. Silent myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetic patients with biopsi-verified diabetic nephropathy. 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress (IDF), Paris, 24-29 august, 2003.
44. Torffvit O, Kalani M, Apelqvist J, Eriksson J, Eliasson B, Brismar K, Jörneskog G. The effect of low-molecular weight heparin on renal disease in diabetic patients with foot ulcers. Am Soc Nephrol, ASN, St Louis, 27- October – 1 November, 2004: SU-PO183.
45.Lövestam-Adrian M, Torffvit O. Type 2 diabetic patients who developed sight-threatening retinopathy had a longer survivaltime than those who did not develop sight-threatening retinopathy. ARVO (the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1-6 may, 2005.
46. Ohlsson S, Torffvit O, Bakoush O, Tencer J, Segelmark M. Urinary MCP-1 as a potential diagnostic marker in ANCA-associated small vessel vasculitis. 12th International Vasculitis and ANCA workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, june 15-18, 2005: PO 81.
47. Segelmark M, Bakoush O, Torffvit O, Ohlsson S, Tencer J. High urine IgM excretion at diagnosis predicts outcome in ANCA-associated renal vasculitis. 12th International Vasculitis and ANCA workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, june 15-18, 2005: PO 84.
48. Torffvit O, Sejdiu I. Early distal tubular dysfunction is prognostic for development of renal insufficiency within 20 years in type 1 but not in type 2 diabetic patients. An observation study of Tamm-Horsfall protein. 19th International Diabetes Federation Congress (IDF), Cape town, 3-7 December, 2006:P267.
49. Torffvit O. Normal Hb levels induced by epoetin beta may slow progression of nephropathy and preserve glomerular and tubular function. World Congress of Nephrology (WCN), Rio de Janeiro, 21-25 April, 2007: TPO-1199.
50. Bakoush O, Tofik R, Torffvit O. Urine IgM excretion predicts patient survival in type 1 diabetic nephropathy. Am Soc Nephrol, ASN, San Francisco, 30- October – 5 November, 2007: F-PO1009.
51. Rippe B, Rippe C, Rippe A, Torffvit O. Reductions in charge- and size-selectivity of the glomerular filtration barrier in early streptozotocin induced diabetic nephropathy in rats. Am Soc Nephrol, ASN, San Francisco, 30- October – 5 November, 2007: SA-PO246.
52. Torffvit O. The effect of achieving the goal for antihypertensive treatment in type 2 diabetic patients. Comparing office and 24 h blood pressure levels. The European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), 44th annual meeting, Rome, Italy, 7 - 11 September, 2008.
53. Ridderstråle M, Torffvit O, Lammert M, Nilsen B, Bøgelund M, J. Jendle J.
Patient willingness-to-pay for liraglutide and exenatide in Sweden based on head-to-head clinical trial results. The European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), 45th annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, September 29-october 2, 2009.
54. Jendle J, Torffvit O, Ridderstråle M, Lammert M, Ericsson Å, Bøgelund M.
Swedish patients with type 2 diabetes show willingness-to-pay for health improvements including weight loss, reduction in hypoglycaemia and glycaemic control. The European association for the study of diabetes (EASD), 45th annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, September 29-october 2, 2009.
55. Ridderstråle M, Torffvit O, Lammert M, Nilsen B, Bøgelund M, J. Jendle J. Patienters betalningsvilja för liraglutid och exenatid i Sverige baserat på resultat från en direkt jämförande klinisk studie. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 25/11-2009.
56.Jendle J, Torffvit O, Ridderstråle M, Lammert M, Ericsson Å, Bøgelund M. Svenska patienter med typ 2-diabetes är villiga att betala för hälsoförbättringar inklusive viktminskning, minskning av hypoglykemier och glykemisk kontroll. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 25/11-2009.
57. Jendle J, Torffvit O, Ridderstråle M, et al. Willingness-to-pay for diabetes drug therapy based on meta-analysis results. Value in Health. International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and outcomes (ISPOR), 13th European Congress. Prague 6-9 nov 2010
58. Jendle J, Torffvit O, Ridderstråle M, Ericsson Å, Nilsen B, Bøgelund M. Preferenser för olika aspekter av läkemedelsbehandling vid typ 2 - diabetes baserat på resultaten av en meta-analys. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg 1/12-2010.
59. Lind M, Jendle J, Torffvit O, Lager I. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) analogue combined with insulin reduces HbA1c and weight with a low risk of hypoglycemia and high treatment satisfaction. The American Diabetes Association, (ADA) 71:th annual meeting San Diego, California, June 25, 2011.