Ole Torffvit
e-mail: oletorffvit@oletorffvit.se
1. Torffvit O, Persson G. Is exercise-induced blood pressure rise predictive of nephropathy in insulin-dependent diabetes? Internal Medicine Digest 1988: march,25.
2. Torffvit O, Castenfors J, Agardh C-D. Microalbuminuria during exercise in insulin-dependent diabetes is not related to systemic blood pressure. Kidney Int 1990; 37: 1381.
3. Torffvit O, Wieslander J, Cederholm B, Forsberg L, Hederström E, Agardh C-D. Carboxyterminal domain (NC1) of collagen IV in urine in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Kidney Int 1990; 37: 1388.
4. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D, Kjellsson B, Wieslander J. Tamm-Horsfall protein in type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 1990; 33(suppl): A152, P557.
5. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Increased blood pressure and heart rate, but normal day and night variation in diabetic patients with nephropathy and autonomic neuropathy. Diabetes 1991;40(supp 1):324A.
6. Rasch R, Torffvit O, Bachman S, Jensen PK, Jacobsen NO. Tamm-Horsfall protein in experimental diabetes. Diabetologia 1992; 35(Suppl 1):A80.
7. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Urinary excretion rates of NC1 and Tamm-Horsfall protein in the microalbuminuric type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patient. Diabetologia 1993, 36 (Suppl 1): A216.
8. Catalano C, Jørgensen P, Nexø E, Torffvit O. Urinary excretion of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Nephrol Dial Transpl 1994; 9: 953.
9. Torffvit O, Apelqvist J, Agardh C-D. The effect of the non-ionic contrast medium iohexol on glomerular and tubular function in diabetic patients. Diabetologia 1995, 38 (Suppl 1): A213.
10. Torffvit O. Urinary glycosaminoglycans, Collagen IV and Tamm-Horsfall protein in type 1 diabetic patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996, 7(9): 1366, A 0605.
11. Catalano C, Quinones A, Muscelli E, Natali A, Masoni A, Torffvit O, Jørgensen P, Seghieri G, Ferrannini E. Effect of insulin on systemic and renal permeability to albumin in nondiabetic and NIDDM subjects. Diabetes 1996; 45 suppl 2: 133A: 488.
12. Agardh C-D, Agardh E, Torffvit O. The association between long-term metabolic control and nephropathy, and to cardiovascular disease in IDDM: a 5-year follow-up study of 442 adult patients in routine care. Diabetes 1997; 46 (suppl 1): A484.
13. Agardh E, Agardh C-D, Torffvit O. The association between retinopathy, and long term metabolic control in IDDM: a 5-year follow-up study of 442 adult patients in routine care. Diabetes 1997; 46 (suppl 1): A510.
14. Torffvit O, Agardh C-D, Mattiasson A. Lack of association between cystopathy and progression of diabetic nephropathy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Excerpta Medica 1998; 5(1): 14.
15. Tencer J, Torffvit O, Thysell H, Grubb A, Rippe B. Decreased excretion of glycosaminoglycans in patients with primary glomerular disease. Excerpta Medica 1998; 5(1): 59.
16. Torffvit O, Lindqvist A, Agardh C-D, Pahlm O. The association between diabetic nephropathy and autonomic nerve function in type 1 diabetic patients. Diabetes Therapy. Excerpta Medica Newsletter 1998; 11: 16.
17. Agardh C-D, Torffvit O. The association between blood pressure and diabetic complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes 1999; 48 (suppl 1): A143:0615.
18. Agardh C-D, Torffvit O. Coronary revascularisation in a 10 year study of 385 type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia 1999; 42 (suppl 1): A 279.
19. Torffvit O, Rippe B. Size and charge selectivity of the glomerular filter in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Am Soc Nephrol 1999; 10: 134A, A 0691.
20. Tencer J, Torffvit O, Thysell H, Rippe B, Grubb A. Urine IgG2/IgG4-ratio indicates the significance of the charge selective properties of the glomerular capillary wall for the macromolecular transport in glomerular diseases. Excerpta Medica 1999; 6(3): 246.
21. Agardh C-D, Stenram U, Torffvit O, Israelsson B, Thuesen B, Agardh E. Oxidative stress does not seem to be involved in the development of diabetic nephropathy in rats. Diabetologia 2000; 43 (Suppl 1) A258: 990.
22. Torffvit O, Agard C-D. Blood pressure cut-off levels for major diabetic complications in a 10 year observation study of 468 type 1 and 385 type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Res Clin Practice 2000; 50 (Suppl 1):P379: S85.
23. Tapia J, Tencer J, Alm P, Willner J, Torffvit O. Albuminuria, HbA1c and LDL levels are associated with histopathological renal changes in type 2 diabetic patients with micro-macroalbuminuria. Diabetes Res Clin Practice 2000; 50 (Suppl 1):P1089: S263.
24. Agardh E, Lövenstam-Adrian M, Torffvit O, Agardh C-D. Diabetic retinopathy, visual acuity and medical risk indicators. A 10-year follow-up study in type 1 diabetic patients under routine care. Inv. Opthal Vis Sci 2001, 42 (4): 4314, B333.
25. Torffvit O, Tapia J, Tencer J, Rippe B, Willner J, Nyberg G, Østerby R. Renal structure in type 2 diabetic patients with albuminuria. Diabetologia 2001; 44 (Supp 1) A263: 1010.
26. Torffvit O, Tapia J, Tencer J, Rippe B. Night blood pressure: Relation to renal structural lesions and function in type 2 diabetic patients with micro-macroalbuminuria. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001; 12: 159A, A 0831.
27. Rippe A, Torffvit O, Tenstad O, Rosengren B-I, Rippe B. Early changes in glomerular charge selectivity in streptozotocin diabetic rats. J Am Soc Nephrol 2002; 13: 763A, PUB 457.
28. Svensson M, Sundkvist G, Arnqvist H, Björk E, Blohmé G, Bolinder J, Henricsson M, Nyström L, Torffvit O, Waernbaum I, Östman J, Eriksson J. Early-onset nephropathy occurs despite intensive insulin treatment in young adults with diabetes, a nation-wide population-based study (the diabetes incidence study in Sweden – DISS). Diabetes 2003; 52 (Suppl 1): A485: 2102-PO.
29. Rippe B, Torffvit O, Rippe A, Tenstad O. Early changes in glomerular charge selectivity in streptozotocin diabetic rats. NDT 2003; 18 (Suppl 4): 56, M177.
30. Bakoush O, Tencer J, Torffvit O, Skogvall I, Rippe B. Characterization of increased glomerular albumin permeability in old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). NDT 2003; 18 (Suppl 4): 599, W165.
31. Torffvit O. Silent myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetic patients with biopsi-verified diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes Metab 2003;29:4S297, 2473.
32. Torffvit O, Kalani M, Apelqvist J, Eriksson J, Eliasson B, Brismar K, Jörneskog G. The effect of low-molecular weight heparin on renal disease in diabetic patients with foot ulcers. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; 15: SU-PO 183, 572A.
33. Ohlsson S, Torffvit O, Bakoush O, Tencer J, Segelmark M. Urinary MCP-1 as a potential diagnostic marker in ANCA-associated small vessel vasculitis. Kidney Blood press res. 2005; 28: 186, PO81.
34. Segelmark M, Bakoush O, Torffvit O, Ohlsson S, Tencer J. High urine IgM excretion at diagnosis predicts outcome in ANCA-associated renal vasculitis. Kidney Blood press res. 2005; 28: 187, PO84.
35. Torffvit O, Sejdiu I. Early distal tubular dysfunction is prognostic for development of renal insufficiency within 20 years in type 1 but not in type 2 diabetic patients. An observation study of Tamm-Horsfall protein. Diabetic Med. 2006; 23 (suppl 4): 102-103.
36. Bakoush O, Tofik R, Torffvit O. Urine IgM excretion predicts patient survival in type 1 diabetic nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 18: F-PO1009, 324A.
37. Rippe B, Rippe C, Rippe A, Torffvit O. Reductions in charge- and size-selectivity of the glomerular filtration barrier in early streptozotocin induced diabetic nephropathy in rats. J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 18: SA-PO246, 324A.
38. Torffvit O. The effect of achieving the goal for antihypertensive treatment in type 2 diabetic patients. Comparing office and 24h blood pressure levels. Diabetologia 2008; 51: Suppl 1: S495.
39. Jendle J, Torffvit O, Ridderstråle M, Lammert M, Ericsson Å, Bøgelund M. Swedish patients with type 2 diabetes show willingness-to-pay for health improvements including weight loss, reduction in hypoglycaemia and glycaemic control. Diabetologia 2009; 52: Suppl 1: S407-408.
40. Ridderstråle M, Torffvit O, Lammert M, Nilsen B, Bøgelund M, Jendle J. Patient willingness-to-pay for liraglutide and exanitide in Sweden based on head-to-head clinical trial results. Diabetologia 2009; 52: Suppl 1: S408.
41. . Jendle J, Torffvit O, Ridderstråle M, et al. Willingness-to-pay for diabetes drug therapy based on meta-analysis results. Value in Health. International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and outcomes ISPOR, Prague, 2010 6-9 nov, 13th European Congress. Journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. 2010;13(7):A298.