
1. Ole Torffvit, Ulla Bengtsson, Claus Brun och Svend Larsen. Hydralazin-associerad glomerulonefrit. Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma, Stockholm 1983.

2. Ole Torffvit. Benmineral (BMC) hos paratyreoidektomerade hemdialyspatienter. Workshop: Kalkomsättning i skelett, speciellt uremiskelett. Lunds Lasarett 1985.

3. Ole Torffvit, Gunnar Persson och Carl David Agardh. Is exaggerated blood pressure during exercise a predictor of diabetic nephropathy? Svensk Nefrologisk förenings vårmöte i Lund 22-23/5 1986.

4. Ole Torffvit, Jan Castenfors, Carl-David Agardh. Microalbuminuria during exercise in insulin-dependent diabetes is not related to systemic blood pressure. Nordiska Njurdagar, Åbo-Turku, Finland 31/8-2/9 1989.

5. Ole Torffvit, Elisabet Agardh, Carl-David Agardh. Albuminuria och medicinska riskfaktorer. En tvärsnittsstudie av 451 patienter med typ 2 diabetes. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 1990.

 6. Ole Torffvit, Carl-David Agardh, Per Alm, Jörgen Wieslander. Urine and serum levels of the carboxyterminal domain (NC1) of collagen IV in diabetic nephropathy and membranous glomerulonephritis. Fourth meeting of The European Diabetic Nephropathy Group (EDNSG), Angers-France 10-11/5 1991.

7. Ole Torffvit. Minisymposium: Diabetes nefropati - En sjukdom som kan förhindras. Identifiering av riskindivider. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 27/11-1991.

8. Ole Torffvit, Carl-David Agardh. Tubular secretion of Tamm-horsfall protein is decreased in type 1 diabetic patients. Medicinska Forskningsrådets Planeringsgrupp för Experimentell och Klinisk Njurforskning, Lund 5/9-1992.

9. Ole Torffvit. Early proteinuria in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Alwall minisymposium on mechanisms of proteinuria. Lund 14/10-1992.

10. Ole Torffvit, Elisabet Agardh, Carl-David Agardh. Blodtryckets inverkan på progressen av nefro- och retinopati vid diabetes mellitus. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 25/11-1992.

11. Ole Torffvit. Markörer för nefropati vid diabetes. Njurforskningsmötet i Lund 20/1-1993.

12. Ole Torffvit. Tamm-Horsfall protein udskillelse i urinen hos diabetiske rotter og hos mennesker. Workshop on "Det tykke ascenderende ben af Henle´s slynge: Forekomsten af epidermal growth factor og Tamm-Horsfall protein". Århus Universitet 14/4-1993.

13. Ole Torffvit, Carl-David Agardh. Tubular secretion of Tamm-Horsfall protein is decreased in Type I diabetic patients with nephropathy. Sixth meeting of The European Diabetic Nephropathy Group (EDNSG), Athen, Greece1993.

14. Ole Torffvit, Carl-David Agardh. Albuminuri, kardiovaskulär sjuklighet och död hos typ 2 diabetiker. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 1/12-1993.

15. Catalano C, Jørgensen P, Nexø E, Torffvit O. The urinary excretion of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM). XXXIst congress of the european dialysis and transplant association (EDTA), Vienna, Austria 3-6/7 1994.

16. Torffvit O, Apelqvist J, Agardh C-D. The effect of the nonionic contrast medium iohexol on glomerular and tubular function in diabetic patients. Medicinska Forskningsrådets Planeringsgrupp för Experimentell och Klinisk Njurforskning, Lund 25/3 1995.

17. Agardh C-D, Torffvit O, Agardh E. Albuminuria is of no prognostic value for the development of retinopathy. A 5-year follow-up study of 325 diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. European Study Group on Diabetic Eye Complications, Stockholm 11-12/9-1995.

18. Catalano C, Quinones A, Muscelli E, Natali A, Masoni A, Gibb I, Torffvit O, Jørgensen P, Seghieri G, Ferrannini E. Effect of insulin on systemic and renal permeability to albumin in nondiabetic and NIDDM subjects. Ninth meeting of The European Diabetic Nephropathy Group (EDNSG), Parma, Italy1996.

19. Jørgensen PE, Torffvit O, Kamper A-L, Poulsen SS, Strandgaard S. Urinary excretion of epidermal growth factor in chronic nephropathy. Eight international symposium of Nephrology at Montecatini. Progression of renal disease evaluation, growth factors and other mechanisms. Sixth international symposium of nephrology at Montecatini Terme, Italy 7-9/10 1996.

20.Bakoush O, Torffvit O, Rippe B, Tencer J. High proteinuria selectivity index for IgG and IgM predicts poor renal survival in glomerular diseases. Ninth international symposium of nephrology at Montecatini.Kidney, proteins and growth factors. Montecatini Terme, Italy 25-27/10 1999.

22. Ole Torffvit, Carl-David Agardh. ACE inhibitors in routine clinical practice do not halt progression of nephropathy but lower the risk for acute myocardial infarction. 10 years observation of 107 type 2 diabetic patients. 13th meeting of The European Diabetic Nephropathy Group (EDNSG), Lund, Sweden 2000.

21. Ole Torffvit, Carl-David Agardh. Incidensen av njursjukdom vid typ 2 diabetites. En prospektiv studie av 385 patienter under 10 år. Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm 30/11-1999.

23. O Bakoush, O Torffvit, B Rippe, J Tencer. High proteinuria selectivity index based upon IgM predicts poor renal survival in glomerular diseases. European Renal Association – European Dialysis and transplant association (ERA-EDTA) 37th Congress, Nice, sept 17-20, 2000.

24. Ole Torffvit. Möt experten: Diabetesnefropati. Svenska Endokrinologföreningens efterutbildningskurs. Umeå 1-2/2-2001.

25. Ole Torffvit. Kunskap och utveckling: Hur påvisa njurskada? Svenska Diabetesförbundet: Diabetesforum 31 Jan, 2002.

26. Ole Torffvit. Current strategies for glycemic control and integrated treatment and follow-up of the diabetic patient with advanced renal failure. 5thHuddingeUniversityHospital - Chronic Renal Failure Symposium. Focus on Diabetic Nephropathy. NovumResearchCenter, StockholmOct 11, 2002

27. Ole Torffvit. Stroke in diabetes mellitus. Symposium om vaskulära komplikationer vid diabetes mellitus för Södra Sverige. Lund28/3-2003.

28. Rippe B, Torffvit O, Rippe A, Tenstad O. Early changes in the charge selectivity of the glomerular filter in streptozotocin diabetic rats. 16th meeting of The European Diabetic Nephropathy Group (EDNSG), Elsinore, Denmark 2-3 May 2003.

29. Ole Torffvit. Diabetesnefropati- En tickande kardiovaskulär bomb. Det Kardiovaskulära Vårmötet. Malmö. 25 april,2008.

 30. Ole Torffvit. The kidney as a cardiovascular risk factor. Medical Association Malta & European Social fund. Diabetes and endocrine update. Malta. 25-26 february, 2011.